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Informed Consent Form

This form is intended to be signed by a parent or legal guardian and authorizes the said minor to attend Fandago Farm events. To download the PDF file, please click here.

As the adult responsible for my child's well being, I understand that:

  • Fandango Farms Inc. requires informed parental consent for minors to attend our events.
  • Fandango events are primarily intended for mature, responsible adults.
  • Fandango events are large all night parties, with a rave like atmosphere, where alcohol, and or recreational drugs may be present.
  • Young members may attract the romantic interest of older members in a manner which is uncomfortable, and or inappropriate for the young member.
  • Fandango events take place in a indoor / outdoor environment which has many potential hazards.


I have personally toured the Fandango facilities during an event and I have an informed understanding of the nature of these events.

I, (name of parent or guardian)___________________________________________,

Please provide a contact phone number and address.

Phone H- (_______)____________________ C- (_______) ________________________

Address _________________________________________, City ____________________

Postal Code __________________________ DL # ________________________________

(I) Declare that:

I am the parent or legal guardian of ___________________________________________________________,